

Quality Assurance


Reliable, consistent high quality products. Nothing less will do, insist the managers at Cuddy Farms.

To ensure this standard is maintained, we conduct unequaled biological and serological testing for poults, eggs, hatcheries and farms.

In fact, Cuddy Farms has firmly established procedures in place to cover each stage of the process. Strict biosecurity measures are monitored by both internal and external audits which include;

  • The clean feed program to produce salmonella-free food.
  • The farm washing and disinfection policy as well as an all-in all-out farm population program.
  • Ongoing microciological monitoring of poults and eggs from each breeder flock.
  • Ongoing monitoring of the birds for mycoplasma contamination.
  1. Unloading day-old poults at customer’s farm.

  2. New, sanitized brooding rings ready for poults.

  3. Poults settle in after placement.

  4. Analyzing flock profiles on
    leading edge ELISA system.


unloading truck
poult pen
feeding poults
sorting poults ready
biosecurity tracking eggs


5. Processing newly hatched turkey poults.

6. After servicing, poults are readied for shipment.

7. Strict biosecurity policies include people as well as facilities.

8. Combined with sophisticated product testing, Cuddy Farms offers detailed traceability by flock/farm and even egg if necessary.